Time Travelling

Monarch Pass, March 15th, 1978. Ektachrome 125th@ f16, Nikkormat FTN.

Monarch Pass, March 15th, 1978. Ektachrome 125th@ f16, Nikkormat FTN.

Amazing thing about photography… And this is stating the obvious, but a photograph is a time machine that can transport you back to another era, one you may have all but forgotten. But there it is in your hands, and a missing puzzle piece comes back to your memory. I shot slide film for the color quality even though I didn’t own a slide projector. Unless I made a print from the slide, it was usually held up to the light fixture on the ceiling and squinted at. This picture was squinted at and put away, to be brought out and scanned 35 years later. This picture was taken on the slopes of Monarch Pass, Colorado on the first sunny day we had, my 21st birthday, March 15th, 1978. I didn’t remember taking this until I saw it last night, and it's nothing spectacular, just a shot of snow covered trees. But it brought back a flood of memories. Make that an avalanche of memories.

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